هاتف : +86 18138709418
البريد الإلكتروني : sales9@pikespool.comقولبة من البلاستيك المقوى بالألياف الزجاجية، مقاومة للتآكل، جيدة مقاومة التآكل، تشويه - إثبات. فريد تصميم توزيع جعل مستقرة وحتى تدفق المياه لتحسين نظام الصرف الصحي. سهلة التركيب، صيانة. أوتليت توربيديتف: u0026 لوت؛ 2FTU. الموديل: PS450-PS750
بكرة الجرح الألياف الزجاجية عززت دبابات لا يزال المعيار الأكثر شعبية في هذه الصناعة بعد كل شيء. مع الأشعة فوق البنفسجية-- مقاومة سطح النهاية، أنها قادرة على العمل تحت إطالة أشعة الشمس لسنوات من الموثوقية. "P" سلسلة (P700B-P1200) مرشحات هي ومجهزة ستة موقف، الجوز نمط فالي مولتيبورت
الألياف الزجاجية التجارية خزان عززت لا يزال المعيار الأكثر شعبية في هذه الصناعة بعد الكل. مع أوف-ريسيستانت سطح إنهاء، هو يستطيع أن يعمل تحت إطالة أشعة الشمس لسنوات من الموثوقية. نموذج: PS1200-PS2300
حمام سباحة من الألياف الزجاجية مرشح الرمل يمكن أن يكون وقتا طويلا في الشمس للعمل، ولكن أيضا يمكن أن تتكيف مع الطقس مختلفة، لأنه يستخدم الألياف الزجاجية والبوليستر التكنولوجيا، وأعلى من تكوين متعددة الوظائف صمام 6-طريقة، مع كل مادة عبس. نموذج: P400-P700
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حمام سباحة حمام سباحة خطوة سلم يعتمد جودة عالية 304 الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، مع نوعين من ألواح القدم، الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ وتأثير واقية من الشمس جيدة البلاستيك، الدرابزين هو مناسبة للداخلية بركة خشبية هيكل وكذلك بركة ملموسة في الهواء الطلق.
هذا هو سلم غير القابل للصدأ لحمام السباحة هو القطر هو 42mm تلميع الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ سلالم، الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ فقي. الكمال منحنى التصاميم السطح هو أنتيسبيري. نو أخطاء طفيفة مع حاد الجانب الرأس.
لدينا العديد من سلسلة مختلفة للاختيار لتلبية متطلبات مختلفة.
Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
مصنع توريد الألومنيوم للطي حمام سباحة سلم 1. الوصف حمام سباحة الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ سلالم الخطوة 1. دائم ، قضبان اليد مصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ هايت مقاومة 2.Anti الزلقة ، مجهزة بخيوط الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ حراسة ضد انزلاق. 3.Anti- الصدأ ، AISI 304/316 الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ الأنابيب مع مرآة مرآة أو صقل ناعم النهاية.
2017 الصين مصنع بالجملة حمام سباحة الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ خطوة سلم ميزات سلم حمام السباحة: 1. الوصف حمام سباحة خطوة سلم سريعة 1. دائم ، قضبان اليد مصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ هايت مقاومة 2.Anti الزلقة ، مجهزة بخيوط الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ حراسة ضد انزلاق. 3.Anti- الصدأ ، AISI 304/316 الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ الأنابيب مع مرآة مرآة أو صقل ناعم النهاية.
الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ بركة سباحة سلم (درابزين) / معدات حمام السباحة / حمام السباحة الجانب الدرابزين المادة: الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 304 ينطبق على تجمع الجانب
Double Sides Ultra Quality Swimming Pool Accessories Stainless Steel Anti-Slip Safety Pool Ladder Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
Double Sides Ultra Quality Swimming Pool Accessories Stainless Steel Anti-Slip Safety Pool Ladder Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools. Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools. Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
مصنع توريد الألومنيوم للطي حمام سباحة سلم 1. الوصف حمام سباحة الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ سلالم الخطوة 1. دائم ، قضبان اليد مصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ هايت مقاومة 2.Anti الزلقة ، مجهزة بخيوط الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ حراسة ضد انزلاق. 3.Anti- الصدأ ، AISI 304/316 الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ الأنابيب مع مرآة مرآة أو صقل ناعم النهاية.
2017 الصين مصنع بالجملة حمام سباحة الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ خطوة سلم ميزات سلم حمام السباحة: 1. الوصف حمام سباحة خطوة سلم سريعة 1. دائم ، قضبان اليد مصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ هايت مقاومة 2.Anti الزلقة ، مجهزة بخيوط الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ حراسة ضد انزلاق. 3.Anti- الصدأ ، AISI 304/316 الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ الأنابيب مع مرآة مرآة أو صقل ناعم النهاية.
الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ بركة سباحة سلم (درابزين) / معدات حمام السباحة / حمام السباحة الجانب الدرابزين المادة: الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 304 ينطبق على تجمع الجانب
Double Sides Ultra Quality Swimming Pool Accessories Stainless Steel Anti-Slip Safety Pool Ladder Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
Double Sides Ultra Quality Swimming Pool Accessories Stainless Steel Anti-Slip Safety Pool Ladder Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools. Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.
Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools. Pikes 304 Stainless Steel Ladder Swimming Pool Stair Pool Ladders are explicitly designed to help swimmers access a pool and avoid jumping over an above-ground pool. They are convenient, provide safety, and preserve your pool walls. A pool ladder is a specialized type of access device for a swimming pool or other similar area. Pool ladders are most often made of plastic horizontal steps and vertical metal poles. A pool ladder has various uses, but many are made specifically for outfitting either above ground pools or in-ground pools.